Perth’s rooftop solar specialists

Switch to clean energy & save on electricity bills. We are committed to providing affordable & reliable rooftop solar options.

Energy efficient & economical.

What we offer

At CleanFuture we offer a range of solar modules & inverters at affordable prices. Our range of solar products allows us to create custom packages depending on your property requirements. Our brands & products include:


  • Longi 370w

  • Hyundai 390w

  • Q-Cells MAXX 350w

  • REC Twinpeak 2 Mono 330w

  • LG 350w


  • Solis 3kW or 5kW

  • Sungrow 3kW or 5kW

  • SMA 3kW or 5kW

  • Fronius 3kW or 5kW

  • Huawei 3kW or 5kW

  • Delta 5kW


REC Twinpeak 2 Mono Series

EOFY offer valid until the 30th June 2021

✓ Premium panels made in Singapore
✓ Ideal for residential and commercial rooftops
✓ Available in 3.7 kW, 6.6 kW, 10 kW, 13 kW packages - call for more info!
✓ REC is an established & highly reputable solar company
✓ 20 year product warranty
✓ 25 year linear power output warranty

perth solar sale EOFY solar panels
REC Twinpeak 2 mono perth solar 330W

Why switch to solar?

1. Save on electricity bills

By using solar power, you will be using the power generated from your solar panels, rather than paying for electricity from the grid.

For even more savings, pair your Rooftop Solar System with an energy-efficient hot water system. Heat Pumps use renewable energy (sourced from the heat in the air outside) to generate electricity & create hot water.

The Enviroheat Heat Pump offers the best performance of any system in its class with up to a massive 71% saving in energy when compared to a conventional water heater. Hot water accounts for 25% of your household energy bill, however, with a Heat Pump this percentage will be drastically reduced.

Click here to find out more about the Enviroheat Heat Pump.

2. Better for the environment

Solar is a clean renewable source of energy. While in use, it does not produce C02 gas emissions to create electricity, whereas using electricity from the grid does. Solar power converts the heat of the sun into electricity.

3. Government rebates & incentives

Cleanfuture Perth is a CEC accredited solar business. All solar systems installed with CEC approved panels are entitled to the Australian government solar rebate. All our solar panels & inverters are on the Clean Energy Council’s list of approved products to receive your solar rebate.

The federal solar rebate reduces each year (down 9% in 2021), meaning that you will pay a little more for every year that you wait! The Australian government solar panel rebate is scheduled to end in 2030!

How does solar work?

Photovoltaic cells in a solar panel convert sunlight into direct current electricity (DC). An inverter then converts the DC electricity into alternating current electricity (AC).

The solar system will produce energy during daylight hours, with any left over electricity being produced being fed back into the grid or stored within a battery. Your energy provider will then credit you for the exported electricity, and this credit will help further offset your electricity bill.


Contact us.

CleanFuture Perth
0401 964 399

Perth, Western Australia